An exceptionally fast and infinitely scalable smart contract platform.

Fast Speeds

1 second block intervals

High Throughput

950+ swaps per second*

Low Gas Fees

~.01 EOS per transaction**

What do the fees cover?

  • CPU/NET costs of transactions
  • RAM costs for EVM Contract
  • RPC Node operation costs
  • Remainder can be allocated for future Burns

*Based on performance benchmark
**Based on native EVM transfer

Here’s how EOS EVM works

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) has been making steady progress to accelerate the adoption of Web3 and help build bridges to other ecosystems. With the launch of EOS EVM, built on the EOS Network, now it is possible. The EOS EVM is an emulation of the EVM, housed within an EOS smart contract.

EOS EVM bridges the EOS ecosystem to the Ethereum ecosystem by allowing developers to deploy a wide array of Solidity-based smart contracts and innovative dApps on the EOS Network to make use of its world class performance and low gas fees. Developers can utilize Ethereum’s battle-tested open source code, tooling, libraries and SDKs while leveraging the superior performance of EOS to create a multichain Web3 experience.

Get started with EOS EVM

For the technically minded readers wanting to start using the EOS EVM or deploying smart contracts, here is the information you need to know.
  • EOS EVM Contract account: eosio.evm
  • Ethereum Compatible RPC Endpoint: https://api.evm.eosnetwork.com
  • chain-id: 17777

The EOS EVM Ecosystem

The EOS EVM Ecosystem has opened up a new world of opportunities for those who wish to leverage the performance, reliability, and low fees on EOS from within the familiar EVM framework. Here's a look at the EOS EVM Ecosystem. New projects are being added constantly.


EOS EVM Roadmap

Unmatched Compatibility, Speed and Performance

EOS EVM offers unmatched compatibility and feature parity with traditional Solidity environments. EOS EVM is showcasing unprecedented performance by benchmarking at 950+ swaps per second – which is 4x faster than the closest competitor. 

The benefit is incredibly secure and scalable transactions that improve dApp user experiences and open the door to further innovation. 

Trustless Bridge


Users can withdraw EOS directly from an exchange to their EVM account by providing an EVM address in the memo.

Coordinating Support

The Trustless Bridge is built into the EVM Contract. No trusted third party operator is required.

Building Together

Core to our mission is to build with and for the community.  As such, we offer multiple funding resources for individuals and teams interested in joining our ecosystem to contribute to a stronger and open Web3 future. 

Whether you are building on EOS EVM or EOS Native, there are plenty of resources and funding options available to help projects get up and running quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an EVM and what does it do?

EVM stands for Ethereum Virtual Machine, the original EVM is an engine made up of a series of Solidity smart contracts that powers the Ethereum ecosystem. It allows for users to interface with the Ethereum network and for developers to deploy decentralized applications (dApps) that are written in Solidity. Since the launch of Ethereum, a number of other EVMs have been released that are meant to improve upon the original EVM by overcoming issues such as scalability. The EOS EVM serves a similar purpose, by allowing projects that were built on the Ethereum network to be launched on the EOS network.

How does EOS EVM differ from other EVMs?

The EOS EVM is extremely performant, as it’s designed on top of the powerful EOS native network. EOS EVM will offer negligible gas fees and transaction speeds that are faster than any other EVM on the market. From a development standpoint, it is more compatible than other Ethereum alternatives thanks to design choices such as one second block times. More details on the technical features and architecture can be found in the EOS EVM Architecture Deep Dive.

What is the difference between EOS Native and EOS EVM?

EOS native is the base layer of the EOS network, utilizing Antelope architecture and a delegated-Proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Many of the basic primitives of blockchain, such as smart contracts, wallets, and network nodes, are present on EOS native, but the overall architecture and user experience are quite different from Ethereum. From a developer perspective, on EOS native, smart contracts are developed using C++, a popular language among traditional developers due to its speed and robust libraries. Other languages, such as Rust, can also be used on EOS native, but the base layer of the network is executed in C++. On Ethereum, smart contracts are primarily written in Solidity. Additionally, developers on EOS native have the option to stake resources for their users, removing the need for a traditional wallet in certain applications and allowing for an experience that is much closer to Web2. On Ethereum, users must always have a traditional wallet to interface with the blockchain. The user experience also differs in that the gas fees that are present on EVMs are not part of native. Instead, users stake tokens to cover resources that can be used for a number of transactions. The cost of this is extremely negligible. EOS native offers even faster transaction times than the EOS EVM with 0.5 second block times and up to 10,000 transactions per second. Those interested in learning more about EOS native can check out the EOS documentation.

What programming languages can be used to write smart contracts for EOS EVM?

Due to the feature parity of the EOS EVM to the Ethereum network, any programming language executed in the Ethereum environment can also be utilized on the EOS EVM. The most prominent language for Ethereum is Solidity, but other Ethereum compliant languages such as Vyper, Yul and Yul+ are also compatible.

What is the gas fee and how does it work in EOS EVM?

The gas fee is what covers the cost of a user transaction on the EOS EVM. While there are no gas fees on EOS native, gas fees are part of the traditional EVM architecture and an important part of the way users interact with EVM based smart contracts. So, a gas fee has been built into the design of the EOS EVM. A user pays the fee on EOS EVM in their wallet the same way they would on any other EVM based chain. Then those resources are sent to EOS native to cover the resources being used by the EOS EVM smart contract in order to execute that action.

Are there any functionality limitations that can be achieved on Ethereum and not on EOS EVM?

No, the EOS EVM offers feature parity to the Ethereum EVM environment. Any function that can be executed on the Ethereum network can also be executed on the EOS EVM. Developers coming to the EOS EVM from other EVMs will find that the ecosystem is extremely similar and easy to familiarize themselves with.

How can I move EOS from an exchange to the EOS EVM?

If you’ve purchased EOS on an exchange or hold EOS within an EOS native account, it can be transferred in and out of the EOS EVM utilizing the trustless bridge: bridge.evm.eosnetwork.com To transfer into the EOS EVM, send your tokens to the EOS account eosio.evm with the memo set to the address of your EOS EVM account, created in a wallet such as Metamask. Upon completing the transaction, your EOS will arrive in your account on EOS EVM. When you are ready to withdraw your tokens, navigate back to the trustless bridge page and select the withdraw tab. To transfer back into an exchange, you will need to create an EOS native account and bridge your tokens from the EOS EVM to EOS native. From EOS native you will be able to transfer your tokens to the exchange, utilizing a wallet such as Anchor. If the exchange requires a memo field, be sure to enter it before signing the transaction. For more details on the architecture of the EOS EVM trustless bridge check out the EOS EVM Tokenomics Deep Dive.

Why can’t I send tokens to a CEX such as Binance through the EOS EVM bridge UI?

After launching on mainnet the EOS EVM engineers learned that central exchanges are not able to receive this type of transaction without additional integrations on the exchange side. While everything functions properly on the blockchain side of the transaction, the deposit will likely be blocked by the exchange and not appear in the user's balance, as well as risk a permanent loss of funds. The reason is because the current token bridging transactions rely on the inline transfer mechanism implemented in the EVM smart contract. Many centralized exchanges are not monitoring these types of transactions by default. The EOS EVM engineers are aware of the issue and toward the solution, which is to have central exchanges enable in-line actions, as described in this document. But, this will likely take some time due to the need to coordinate with each individual exchange. In the meantime, these types of transactions are being blocked through the front end of the bridge UI. While these types of transactions are not being censored and could be executed through the smart contracts, it is not recommended as it could result in the users funds being lost. Any user attempting this type of transaction would be doing so at their own risk. The current solution to transfer EOS from EOS EVM to a central exchange is to create an EOS native account, then bridge your tokens from the EOS EVM to your EOS native account and send the tokens from the EOS native account to your exchange address.

What are the primary domains for interfacing with the EOS EVM on testnet & mainnet?

The mainnet domains for the EOS EVM are as follows: The testnet domains are as follows:

What security measures has the EOS EVM undergone?

The EOS EVM has undergone a robust audit by the auditing agency, Sentnl. Sentnl is a notable agency with experience in both Ethereum and Antelope environments. The audit report will be made available to the community upon completion.

How can I share my EOS EVM project on the EOS Ecosystem page?

If you’re involved in a project built on EOS that you would like included on the ENF EOS Ecosystem page, you can submit a request through this form. Then, a team member from the ENF will review your application and determine the eligibility of the submitted project. If your project qualifies, it will be included in the next update of the web page.

Where can I learn more about the EOS EVM?

What are the other EOS EVM projects in the Ecosystem?

The EOS EVM ecosystem is constantly expanding. A list of current dApps, wallets, and other integrations can be found on the  EOS Ecosystem page.

Can I transfer USDT or other tokens that aren’t EOS with the EOS EVM trustless bridge?

No, currently the EOS EVM trustless bridge only supports the transfer of EOS between the EOS EVM and EOS Native. There have been instances of users sending tokens other than EOS to the eosio.evm account which hosts the trustless bridge smart contract. It’s important to note that these types of transactions are NOT supported by the bridge and any funds transferred in this way risk being lost. With that said, adding this feature will be included in an upcoming roadmap.

The EOS Difference

Take advantage of superior performance, energy efficiency, high availability and liquidity of the EOS Network.

Layer-1 blockchain built using an open-source protocol

Unparalleled reliability with zero downtime in 5 years

Superior Performance as the only blockchain that's achieved 100m+ transactions per day

Energy efficiency and sustainability by design through a carbon neutral blockchain

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