Stay ahead of the curve with the Everything EOS Monthly Report, your go-to source for comprehensive and up-to-date news from the EOS ecosystem. Our report scours the furthest reaches of the EOS community to bring you the freshest updates and most compelling stories. Don’t miss a beat in the rapidly evolving world of EOS!

Binance AMA & Simple Earn

On May 31, EOS Network Foundation (ENF) CEO Yves La Rose attended an AMA with the Binance community to give updates on the latest news from within the ecosystem and drop some hints on what’s to come. The second of such AMAs with Binance, the event was well attended, with over 9,000 views in the Binance portal on the first day alone. This event comes during an ongoing Binance Simple Earn campaign, where eligible participants can share in an 80,000 EOS reward pool for learning about EOS and taking part in a quiz.

The topics discussed during this event covered a wide range of ecosystem efforts, including the launch of EOS EVM v0.5.0-rc1, Yield+, Recover+, regulatory efforts, updates on legal efforts, community engagement initiatives and more. Read about it on the EOS Network blog, or watch the video for the full replay.


This month, the ENF opened the doors to greater transparency by open-sourcing the EOS Ethereum Virtual Machine (EOS EVM) code. The EOS EVM is among the fastest in the industry, with more than double the swap throughput of Solana.
Open-sourcing the EOS EVM is a significant step, enabling any Antelope chain to launch its own EVM. It also increases the trust in EOS EVM, which along with the exceptionally clean audit from Sentnl, demonstrates a focus on top-tier security and code quality. An open-source EVM also makes it easier for application developers to run their own RPC nodes instead of relying solely on ENF-operated nodes, contributing to the decentralization and anti-fragility of the EOS ecosystem.

The May 31 release of EOS EVM 0.5.0 rc1 brings the Yield+ Liquidity incentive program to EVM DeFi dApps and enables key improvements. Community members are welcome to test and submit bugs via pull requests on GitHub, and the team encourages feature requests and code contributions to future releases.

To help educate about the benefits of EOS EVM, Web3 ambassadors Zaisan hosted the introductory EOS EVM webinar “How to Supercharge Your Ethereum Dapps”. The webinar aims to introduce developers to the technology and functionality behind the EOS EVM, helping developers understand how to run Solidity-based tools on the EOS blockchain.
The EVM has seen significant integration with Coinhub Wallet, swap service Meson, and CoinMarketCap’s DexScan. These recent developments demonstrate the growing momentum of the EOS EVM and the ENF’s steadfast commitment to advancing the EOS ecosystem through open-source collaboration and innovation.

ENF Quarterly Report

The ENF Quarterly Report, released this month, outlines notable progress in Q1 2023, with significant developments and achievements across multiple facets of the EOS network. 

Major advancements include the launch of Antelope IBC, which implements a trustless bridge smart contract that enables communication with other Antelope chains and adds near-limitless horizontal scalability on the EOS network. 

In a similar cross-chain vein, the Foundation released the mainnet beta of the EOS Ethereum Virtual Machine (EOS EVM). This cross-chain bridge smart contract to Ethereum is fully RPC compatible with EVM-based smart contract tools, allowing developers familiar with Ethereum to benefit from EOS’s low fees and high throughput while using a familiar development environment. 

Core protocol work saw continued progress with several patch releases of Leap v3, the launch of Leap v4.0.1, and the multi-platform docker tool DUNE; all significant milestones that will open up the network’s capabilities to even more developers. 
The Foundation extended its reach within and beyond the EOS ecosystem, maintaining a robust conference presence along with approving two new Direct Grants and entering into strategic partnerships with key industry players like DWF Labs.

As 2023 unfolds, the ENF is well-positioned to build on these successes, establishing EOS as a premier blockchain network open for business and innovative developments.
ENF CEO, Yves La Rose, shared his thoughts in an open letter to the community. Read the letter and the full report on the ENF blog.

Pomelo Season 6 Multi-Pool

Pomelo Grants, the quadratic funding platform built on EOS and inspired by Gitcoin, launches Season 6 on June 7 with multiple matching pools across multiple blockchains, adding a new dimension to the grant-giving process. 

In addition to an Everything EOS pool of $28,000, the ENF is funding $65,000 in matching funds focused on the EOS EVM and $65,000 on EOS GameFi, for $158,000 in matching EOS. Projects applying to these pools must be public goods on the EOS blockchain. 

Pomelo is also utilizing IBC this season in a fourth matching pool focused on the Antelope-based Telos blockchain, funded with 140,000 TLOS tokens, or around $30,000, through the Telos Works worker proposal system. Grant owners can accept donations in both EOS and TLOS tokens, thanks to the recent release of trustless IBC.

With Pomelo, the community can direct funds to the projects they want to see funded, representing the community through grassroots funding. These funds come directly from the network, driving value back into the community that supports the EOS Network.

Hypha DAO Tools Beta

Hypha DAO is a next-generation decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) platform built on the EOS blockchain. This month, Hypha announced the opening of its Beta Program.

Hypha offers an “Organization-in-a-box” solution that simplifies setting up organizational structures, decentralizing decision-making, automating payroll processes, and rewarding members through a unique token system. The platform aims to promote mainstream blockchain adoption by bridging different networks, utilizing EOS’s many features, including IBC and the EOS EVM.
The forthcoming Hypha DAO Beta Program promises to revolutionize interactions with blockchain technology, and interested parties can register for the waitlist now. The ultimate goal is to bolster the EOS network, drive innovation, and foster thriving ecosystems that meet global user needs.

WombatX Accelerator

The Wombat X Accelerator Program is now live, offering invaluable opportunities for Web3 game development. The program provides mentorship, user acquisition, and infrastructure support with help from notable partners, including the EOS Network Foundation.

The EOS Network Foundation’s founding member and partner roles reinforce the organization’s commitment to providing funding opportunities for Web3 gaming projects.

The Wombat X Accelerator represents an exciting opportunity for those seeking to make their mark in the GameFi landscape.

Wordproof Integrates Shopify

WordProof, an EOS blockchain-based timestamping solution provider, has launched the new WordProof Timestamp plugin for Shopify, which powers 5.6% of all CMS-built websites. This integration extends WordProof’s reach to 48% of all internet sites, including those on WordPress and Drupal.

The WordProof Timestamp tool allows Shopify users to timestamp their online content effortlessly, boosting trust, transparency, and security for businesses and consumers. Owners of Shopify websites can now seamlessly incorporate timestamp data into their markup, ensuring their content is verifiably authentic and resistant to tampering.

As consumer demand for transparency and accountability from online businesses grows, WordProof’s timestamp technology integrations will equip website owners to maintain and build trust with their audiences. This step represents substantive progress toward WordProof’s mission of harnessing the power of blockchain technology for enhanced online transparency and accountability.

Block Producer Monthly Call

The monthly Block Producer (BP) meetings aim to create a platform for ongoing communication between the top 30 EOS BPs and the EOS Network Foundation (ENF). In May 2023, 22 BPs and 28 participants convened to discuss the EOS ecosystem’s progress.

Some focal points were the EOS EVM and EOS Network Ventures (ENV). The group discussed the influx of new EVM-based applicants to the grant framework, EVM liquidity, and a proposed multi-signature transaction to transfer $20 million for ENV Fund I.
Read more in the full report!

Antelope IBC Complete

IBC is a crucial technology enabling different blockchains to interact and share information. Antelope-based chain WAX activated IBC on their chain this month, completing interoperability between all members of the Antelope coalition, a voluntary association between blockchains running the same Antelope blockchain software.

Ultimately, completing IBC between Antelope chains holds tremendous power to revolutionize DeFi on Antelope networks, but also serves a symbolic purpose in achieving full interoperability between Antelope chains.

Recurring EOS Events

The EOS community also hosts many online events that anyone can join every week:

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal Web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope framework, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) was forged through a vision for a prosperous and decentralized future. Through our key stakeholder engagement, community programs, ecosystem funding, and support of an open technology ecosystem, the ENF is transforming Web3. Founded in 2021, the ENF is the hub for EOS Network, a leading open source platform with a suite of stable frameworks, tools, and libraries for blockchain deployments. Together, we are bringing innovations that our community builds and are committed to a stronger future for all.